Backblast – Ivey Redmond 10/14/20

11 PAX and one Q, YHC, bravely signed up for an expected chilly morning. Unfortunately, it seems that floppy disk, although on the sign up sheet, was unable to eject from the confines of his computer drive. Fortunately, there is a new soul mate(FNG) that showed up in the gloom by the way of Dean. Luckily, while Alex Skachikov(sp) is an engineer he is not a structural engineer. More to come on Alex. PAX in attendance were;
Shear Conn

After quickly and expertly recalling the F3 mission statement and disclaimer we moseyed to the center of the upper parking lot for warm o rama. This consisted of;
Man climbers

From there we began the lucky unlucky beatdown. The unlucky spot was in the general area of the stairs that lead to the fields and the lucky spot was in the general area of the concession stand and kay’s wall. What does lucky unlucky mean? Basically, unlucky equals 13 reps of an exercise and lucky equals seven reps of an exercise. Utilizing a plain shuffled and unstacked deck of cards, a member of the PAX draws two cards, the first card is the unlucky and the second card is the lucky. Travel to the stairs to perform the unlucky and then travel to kay’s wall for the lucky, return to center and draw two more cards. It should be noted that Wham-o wasted his luck today being the first to draw cards and drawing pocket aces. Aces, as you see in the pic, means burpees. Yes, all aces were drawn. Below you will see what exercise corresponds to the cards. After so many draws all exercises listed were performed; some more than others.

In honor of Checkbook, Mary consisted of the ab roll and then Merican Hammers.

Naming an FNG is one of the best things to do in F3, especially when an FNG recently moves from Bellingham, WA and is of Russian descent. Three names quickly rose to the top; Putin, Comrade, and Tent City. Antifa was also in the running but we were quickly reminded that the name would need to be appropriate to say in public. Having said that, and with the recent events in Seattle, YHC settled on Tent City.

Praises for Crankbait, house about 3 weeks out and he is experiencing some fevers for unknown reason. YHC’s brother is a little over a month in sobriety although he is having some health concerns that we are working through. Crawdaddy raised his friends, the Edwards and Bailey family, dealing with the passing of loved ones. Concerns for Farside and prayers for Amanda (Checkbook’s 2.0) dealing with the affects of COVID. Continued prayers for Boone’s Farm.

Crankbait led us out.

Always a pleasure to watch the PAX lead themselves.

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