Backblast – Poison Ivey – Wednesday 6/26

5 PAX showed for a full body beatdown mix of calisthenics and rugby drills, Duvet, Lucky Charms, CrankBait, Dean and QIC.

A short indian run mosey to the WOR was started off with a brilliant knock on and a penalty of 10 merkins, continued indian run and passing to WOR.

WOR: Dip & Dots, Sun Gods, Chinooks, HUGS, Star Jumps

The Thang: indian run mosey and continued passing.

Superman Climb x 10

Split Squats x10 ea. x 2 rounds

Indian run mosey to stairs x 2 round of stairs

Gorilla squats and chest pass x 5 rounds

Instructed PAX in new way of skipping and broke it into two exercise – each building on one another – first exercise ‘ankling’ – straight leg running added passes sprinted remainder of way. Added second exercise ‘ankling’ plus high knees added passes sprinted remainder of way. CrankBait: ‘Bambi you look like a pony”

Lunges and passes sprint remainder

High knees and passes sprint remainder

Coordination drill – rotating pop pass – X 5

Indian run mosey around parking lot – PAX improved passing and coordination on par with the All Blacks


Low Slow Flutter, Sweat Angels, LBC, Dead Bug, Hammers, Bird Dog

Prayers for CrankBait and Sprinkler leading a mission trip with middle school students to Jonesville, VA

Prayers for guidance in CrankBait new business endeavors

Prayers for Tramp Stamp, Man Hands, Shear Conn

Prayers for Duvet in interviewing for new position and transition to next chapter in life

Duvet lead us out

An honor to lead, Bambi

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