Backblast: Poison Ivey He’s Back

Apologies for the delay in posting, but here it is….

The Q was feeling rejuvenated after many weeks of being hobbled. 20 Pax (19 and a wanna be stalker) came out on a most unpleasantly humid Wednesday morning which would soon to become even more unpleasant. There was a bit of mumble chatter at the start, but since the Q is a bit tardy in posting the details are rather vague – apologies! I might still throw some random comments in that may or may not have actually occurred. But no FNGs were present so a formal disclaimer was omitted and we were off on a mosey around the upper lot before settling in for the warm-up.

Warm-O-Rama (IC):

SSH X30 (the grumbling started among the pax as we continued past 20)

Thigh Master X15 each leg

Overhead Claps X15

Copperhead Squat X10

Frankenstein  X10 (Lucky Charms was looking to play a little chicken and test his “luck”)

Cotton Picker X10

A short mosey then ensued as the group made their way to the bottom of the hill where the main event would commence.

The Thang:

7’s – a combination of burpees and hills (starting at bottom, perform 6 burpees and then run to the top of the hill = 7; perform 5 burpees then run to bottom and back up = 7; 4 burpees then run down, up, down = 7…and so on until you reach 1 burpee and 6 hills). As always when basic math is required, the group becomes extremely challenged. This one proved especially challenging.

The pax help plank for the six at the top of the hill. Once complete and all had time to recuperation mentally, we paired up for the next event.

Partner 1 completed Jingle Merkins (1 jingle ball followed by 1 merkin) while waiting for P2; P2 completed 10 frog hops and 25 monkey humpers before running back to relieve and swap with P1; Rinse & Repeat 3X. Pax help Al Gore for 6.

P1 completed WW1 Cockroach while P2 completed 10 lunges out, 20 squat Jacks, then 10 lunges back, then relieved and swapped with P1. Rinse & Repeat 3X. Hold plank for 6.

A short mosey to the middle of the parking lot where the pax split into 2 teams for the final event.

Team 1 spaced themselves out in a line a completed butt kicks while Team 2 completed 10 moving plank merkins out and 10 back. As soon as 1 member of T2 finished, all T2 switched with T1. This also proved to be a major challenge for many to grasp. Rinse & Repeat before we made the mosey back to the lower lot for Mary.



Low Dolly X10

Rosalita X10

Low Flutter X10

Camel Toe X10

Mountain Climber X10

Peter Parker X10

Hammers X10

The Pax: Gilmore, Deliverance, Tramp Stamp, Fortran, Lucky Charms, Dr. Evil, Sludge, Dean, Sprinkler, Giselle, Red Card, Crankbait, Chipper, Crawdaddy, Tardy, Fanny Pack, Checkbook, Pacer, Hardy, Flounder, Kryptonite


Reminder – Brunswick Stew at 421 on Sunday; Mega on the 28th

Prayer requests for Linda Parker and Juvie’s father-in-law

Sluge graciously led us out

Appreciate the opportunity as always and great to be back with the group at full strength! More legs to come in the future.



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